Monday, July 04, 2011

Mums Homemade Rolled Oat Biscuits

Now I know we all say our mums are the BEST cooks. And each of us who say this truly believe THEIR mum to be the best. However, anyone who has eaten my mother's food or had my mother cook for them seem to be testimonial enough for me that mum is a pretty damn fine chef.
As a child we weren't like a lot of the other children who got packets of chips or muesli bars or roll ups in their lunch boxes. Instead, most Sundays mum would make a slice or biscuit or some other yummy treat and then wrap us up a portion and instead that would be our recess.
These Rolled Oat Biscuits are just one example of those treats. Today is my first officially day of holidays and I thought I would spend part of that day baking. These biscuits are so easy to make and great with a cup of tea in the arvo.

According to mum's recipe, you will need:
- 2 cups of rolled oats
- 1 cup of plain flour
- 1 cup of coconut
- 1 cup of brown sugar
- 175g of melted butter.
- sultanas
- honey/golden syrup
You may also add to the mix (which is what I added to this batch):
- sunflower seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- choc chips
- any dried fruit in the pantry
- goji berries

To make:
- Simply put all your dry ingredients into a mixing bowl.
- Melt your butter and add a couple of teaspoons of honey or golden syrup into it. Mix together.
- Pour butter mix over dry ingredients and combine.
- Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and place mixture in tray.
- With a fork, press down into the tray.
- Place in the oven at about 170 degrees celsius for around 25 to 30 min. This will depend on your oven, just keep checking after 25.
- When golden, remove from over and allow to stiffen and cool. If you remove too early they will fall apart! So just press on them with your finger to check.
Then, remove from tray and baking paper, cut up into rows and then squares. Serve for afternoon tea (or morning tea!) with a lovely fresh, hot cuppa!
Photos by me.
If you end up making them please let me know how they went and if you came up with any other ideas for ingredients to add please let me know!
Mimmy xx

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